I mean, it seems like everybody and his friends is looking to find a fuck buddy on FindaFuckBuddy.net nowadays. It seems to be the hottest rage on the internet. At least when it comes to online adult anonymous dating, people are discovering the distinct charms of having a fuck buddy. Well, I don’t want to be a stick in the mud, I don’t want to be a buzz kill, but I’m going to come off as one anyways. Why? I care about you.
That’s right. I may not know you personally, but I know where you’re coming from. I know where you’ve been, and in many cases, we share a lot of our hopes and dreams as far as pussy is concerned. As a typical dude, I’m going to tell you right now, you have to figure out how to find a fuck buddy in such a way that it doesn’t blow up in your face.
It’s too easy to get all caught up in the hype regarding having a fuck buddy. Can you imagine going camping with this hot female, going fishing, swimming, and doing all the things that you would do with a male buddy and having a good time and laughs while at it, and then at the end of the day having her suck you dick, tongue your balls, and letting you cum inside her pussy? I mean, talk about a package deal. Talk about having your cake and eat it too. We’re not just talking about any regular cake here. We’re talking about like a triple layer of fudge cake with all sorts of walnuts, cashews, and cherries piled on top, and guess what, there’s a heavy layer of cream on the top.
I’m talking this is the best deal ever to happen to any straight, red-blooded, all American male, right? Well, there’s a problem here. The problem is it’s easy to get caught up in the hype. This is how most fuck buddy websites try to position the concept of having a fuck friend. I’m telling you right now, whenever you mix real friendship with sex, it almost always ends up in the wrong place. It almost always ends up with you losing out on a tremendous friendship.
Seriously, it took a long time for you to be really deep friends with that special female. It took a long time going through all those shared experiences where you when through chills, spills, thrills, and tears and laughter with that person. Are you really going to put all that on the line just because you’re horny and want to fuck something? I hope not.
You know, one of the most treasured things that you would ever have in your life is to have a real friend. I’m telling you right now, real friends, the ones that will take a bullet for you, are few and far between. Think twice when trying to find a fuck buddy. Don’t ever think of turning a real friend into a fuck friend. She may be eager at first. She may be all for it, but you definitely owe it to yourself to resist the temptation.